An article on the New York Times online reviews the Led Zeppelin show from yesterday. By all accounts, it seems to have been a big success. Jimmy Page has left the door open for a tour next year, so I’m hopeful that they’ll take the show on the road. I was too young to have caught them the first time and would love to see them.
Hey Josh. Even though I am a Jazz Guitarist…I grew up and learned how to play thanks to Jimmy Page and the movie “The Song Remains The Same”. And my Classic Rock band have a few Zep tunes in the repertoire. All that to say that I was able to listen to the reunion concert a few days ago and wow…it was excellent, relatively speaking. Page’s playing was on fire and while he had the usual “sloppiness” factor, his lines were strong and his sound was fat and powerful. I’m probably a little older than you and I almost saw Zep…except on the day I was going to pick up tickets for their Montreal show John Bonham had died that morning and well, that was that. I hope they do go out on tour. It would be a gas seeing them again for the first time…:) Take care and thanks for the time to put together this blog. Some great stuff. All the best.
Lyle Robinson
Nice site Josh. I grew up with the Zep. Keep up the good work! We need you young guys to keep rock and roll alive and well!