FretQuiz has the following features:
132 questions
The quiz format enables you to test your knowledge with 132 questions and answers about the notes on the guitar fretboard. Many graphics are included to help reinforce where each note is located.
Explanation of the correct answers
Each question includes a detailed explanation of the answer to the question. The explanation provides the correct answer to the question, as well as other locations on the fretboard where the note is located.
Question randomization
You can select to randomize the questions. This option configures the questions to be presented in a random format so that you can truly test your knowledge of the fretboard.
Mark questions for later review
You can mark any question for later review. Upon the completion of the quiz, you can return to any marked question to review the question.
Question review
The review screen enables you to review your answers and return to any question in the quiz. Items that you have marked or that are incomplete are indicated as such on the review screen, enabling you to quickly return to those items.
Score reports
You can view a report of how well you did on each quiz. You can print the report and use it to track your progress.
Score history
You can view a list of previous quizzes that you have taken. This enables you to track your progress and gain confidence that you are improving your knowledge of the fretboard.
Print results
You can print the results from each quiz. Share your results with others, or use the results to track your progress.
Runs on Windows
You can install FretQuiz on a computer running Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Vista.